Tuesday 8 September 2009

2009 Special: The Waters Of Mars

Series: 4
Air Date: October/November 2009
Doctor: 10th - David Tennant
Companions: Adelaide (Lindsay Duncan)
Written By: Russell T Davies And Phil Ford
Directed By: Graeme Harper

This Autumn Prepare to be scared out of your seats and start hiding behind the sofa, because its here... Almost. The Waters Of Mars.

You can watch the trailer for this fantastic looking episode below.

Trailer Two

The Story
The Doctor is on Mars where he meets Adelaide, and not far behind trouble. There is something strange happening with the water and monsters infected with it. But can the doctor save the day in a fixed point in time. "What happens here must always happen." - The creation of the Ice Warriors perhaps?
Rumours and Speculation

  • The Episode will be set around the creation of the Doctor's old enemies - the Ice Warriors.
  • Ood Sigma makes an appearance, Pictures have been taken of him on set.
  • The story leads directly on to, "The End Of Time".
Preview Clip

Memorable Quotes
 "Certain moments in time are fixed. Anything else is in flux, but those certain moments, they have to stand... This base on Mars... What happens here must always happen." - The Doctor

"Water always wins". - The Doctor

"They said 'he will knock four times' and I think I know what that means and it doesn't mean right here right now! 'Cause I don't hear anyone knocking, do you?" - The Doctor

"Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock" - Unknown Knocking

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