Wednesday 23 September 2009

The Keys Of Marinus

Written by Terry Nation

Originally broadcast on BBC1 between 11th April – 16th May 1964

Produced by Verity Lambert

Directed by John Gorrie

Black and white

On a remote island of glass surrounded by a sea of acid, there is a machine that can remove evil from the minds of an entire population - the Conscience of Marinus. Fearful of its immense power falling into the wrong hands, its sole guardian has scattered the machine's operating keys across the planet. The TARDIS crew arrive to find the island under attack by the evil Voord. Marinus' last line of defence - and its only hope - is the Conscience machine. The Doctor and his companions must undertake a deadly quest to recover the Keys of Marinus...

The Keys Of Marinus - One of the first Doctor's (William Hartnell's) Classic Stories from 1964. Starring: William Hartnell, Carole Ann Ford, William Russell & Jacqueline Hill. It will be available to own on DVD for the first time on 21/9/09. Contains all six episodes. As usual, a great addition to any collection.

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Special Features:

Commentary - Commentary by William Russell (Ian Chesterton), Carole Ann Ford (Susan Foreman), John Gorrie (Director), Raymond Cusick (Designer), Clayton Hickman (Moderator).
The Sets of Marinus - Designer Raymond Cusick recalls his work on this story. Produced by James Goss. Duration: 9'25"

PDF Material - Radio Times listings plus the entire set of Cadet Sweets 'Doctor Who and the Daleks' sweet cigarette cards in Adobe PDF format.

Production Subtitles - Text commentary by Richard Molesworth providing cast details, script development and other information related to the production of this story.

Photo Gallery - A selection of rare and previously unpublished photographs from the recording of this story. Duration: 7'25"

Coming Soon - A preview of Frontier in Space and Planet of the Daleks (The Dalek War Box).

Easter Egg - 8mm Behind the Scenes Footage of Grams Operators in the studio Gallery. Go to the PDF Materials menu and navigate left to highlight the Doctor Who logo. Duration: 1'10"

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything unless stated otherwise. Doctor Who and its spin off series' (Sarah Jane Adventures and Torchwood etc) belongs to The British Broadcasting Corperation (The BBC).