Sunday 6 September 2009

EPISODE GUIDE: The Ninth Doctor - Series One

Series 1

Starring: Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper

1.1 Rose

Written By: Russell T Davies

Rose Tyler, a young woman accidentally trapped one evening in the London department store named Henriks where she works, finds herself surrounded by plastic mannequins that have come to life in the basement. She is saved by a man who introduces himself as "The Doctor" and tells her to, "run".

Original Broadcast - 26 March 2005

1.2 The End Of The World

Written By: Russell T Davies

The Doctor takes Rose to five billion years into her future in the TARDIS, landing on "Platform One", a space station in orbit around Earth; the earth has long since been abandoned and under the National Trust, but as money has run out, it is about to be destroyed by the expansion of the Sun.

Original Broadcast 2 April 2005

1.3 The Unquiet Dead

Written By: Mark Gattis

The Ninth Doctor and Rose arrive in Cardiff on Christmas Eve, 1869 and discover that something is making the dead come back to life. The time travellers team up with a world-weary Charles Dickens to investigate Gabriel Sneed, the local undertaker and his servant girl Gwyneth — and come face to face with the ghostly Gelth.

Original Broadcast - 9 April 2005

1.4 Aliens Of London

1.5 World War Three

Written By Russell T Davies

The Ninth Doctor takes Rose back to 21st century London, just in time to witness a spaceship crashing into the River Thames, triggering a worldwide state of alert and the closing off of the city. As the Doctor investigates the survivor of the crash, Rose finds problems closer to home.

Original Broadcast - 16/23 April 2005

1.6 Dalek
Written By: Robert Shearman

The TARDIS is drawn off course by a distress signal, and materialises in a bunker in Utah, 2012. The Doctor and Rose Tyler find that the bunker is a museum, full of alien artifacts. And The Doctor's oldest enemy lurks in in the cage.

Original Broadcast - 30 April 2005

1.7 The Long Game

Written By: Russell T Davies

Along with new companion Adam, the TARDIS deposits the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler on Satellite 5, a space station that broadcasts across the entire human empire. However, the Doctor senses things wrong on the station: there are no aliens, those who are promoted to Floor 500 simply disappear, and who is really in charge?

Original Broadcast - 7 May 2005

1.8 Fathers Day

Written By: Paul Cornell

The Ninth Doctor brings Rose to 1987 to witness her father's death but when she prevents his death from happening, the monstrous Reapers are unleashed upon the Earth, leaving the Doctor utterly powerless.

Original Broadcast - 14 May 2005

1.9 The Empty Child
1.10 The Doctor Dances

Written By: Steven Moffat

Chasing a metallic object through the vortex, the Ninth Doctor and Rose arrive in London during the Blitz. There, they find homeless children being terrorised, dead bodies with unexplained marks on their hands, a strange cylinder guarded by the army, and the dashing Captain Jack Harkness

Original Broadcast - 21/28 May 2005

1.11 Boom Town

Written By: Russell T Davies

The Ninth Doctor, Rose and Jack travel to modern-day Cardiff and meet up with Rose's boyfriend, Mickey. There, they discover that a recent enemy is very much alive, and is willing to rip apart the planet to ensure her freedom.

Original Broadcast - 4 June 2005

1.12 The Parting Of Ways
1.13 Bad Wolf

Written By: Russell T Davies

The TARDIS crew find themselves trapped in the Gamestation, also known as Satellite 5, where they must battle to survive the cruel games. But when Rose is taken away, the Doctor realises his most deadly enemies, the Daleks, have returned en masse.

Original Broadcast - 11/18 June 2005

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything unless stated otherwise. Doctor Who and its spin off series' (Sarah Jane Adventures and Torchwood etc) belongs to The British Broadcasting Corperation (The BBC).