Thursday 22 October 2009

Filming: 21st October - New TARDIS Interior!

Filming took place last night in a spooky graveyard and the TARDIS Interior has been revealed.

(Above) How the inside will look the right way around.

And also, there was an alien seen as well stalking the grave yard. Which pretty much looked like this:

Definitely not a Silurian even though it has its traits. Its Female too.

And also some dialogue:

UG: "Use the sonic" The Doctor : "It doesn't work with wood" Unknown guy : "Well that's rubbish" Doctor : "Don't dis the sonic!"
Thats about it.

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Doctor Who Logo 2010

The official logo for the 2010 series. Looking good.

Monday 5 October 2009

More Series 5 Filming

More filming has been taking place in cardiff and more pictures have been taken. Thanks to SFX.

Matt in Doc 10's costume and Karen in a rather nice Police uniform.

Karen is probably not playing a Police women as the uniform is a bit off standards.

Karen Running.

Matt running.

Monday 28 September 2009

The Wedding Of Sarah Jane - Pictures Update

Some very nice sneaky peak photos for you from The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Wedding Of Sarah Jane. With David Tennant!

The Sarah Jane Adventures starts on Thursday October 15th 2009. And the episode The Wedding Of Sarah Jane Smith airs Thursday October 29th - Part Two Friday October 29th.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

The Keys Of Marinus

Written by Terry Nation

Originally broadcast on BBC1 between 11th April – 16th May 1964

Produced by Verity Lambert

Directed by John Gorrie

Black and white

On a remote island of glass surrounded by a sea of acid, there is a machine that can remove evil from the minds of an entire population - the Conscience of Marinus. Fearful of its immense power falling into the wrong hands, its sole guardian has scattered the machine's operating keys across the planet. The TARDIS crew arrive to find the island under attack by the evil Voord. Marinus' last line of defence - and its only hope - is the Conscience machine. The Doctor and his companions must undertake a deadly quest to recover the Keys of Marinus...

The Keys Of Marinus - One of the first Doctor's (William Hartnell's) Classic Stories from 1964. Starring: William Hartnell, Carole Ann Ford, William Russell & Jacqueline Hill. It will be available to own on DVD for the first time on 21/9/09. Contains all six episodes. As usual, a great addition to any collection.

* * * *
Special Features:

Commentary - Commentary by William Russell (Ian Chesterton), Carole Ann Ford (Susan Foreman), John Gorrie (Director), Raymond Cusick (Designer), Clayton Hickman (Moderator).
The Sets of Marinus - Designer Raymond Cusick recalls his work on this story. Produced by James Goss. Duration: 9'25"

PDF Material - Radio Times listings plus the entire set of Cadet Sweets 'Doctor Who and the Daleks' sweet cigarette cards in Adobe PDF format.

Production Subtitles - Text commentary by Richard Molesworth providing cast details, script development and other information related to the production of this story.

Photo Gallery - A selection of rare and previously unpublished photographs from the recording of this story. Duration: 7'25"

Coming Soon - A preview of Frontier in Space and Planet of the Daleks (The Dalek War Box).

Easter Egg - 8mm Behind the Scenes Footage of Grams Operators in the studio Gallery. Go to the PDF Materials menu and navigate left to highlight the Doctor Who logo. Duration: 1'10"

Monday 21 September 2009

The Mighty 200 - Top Ten

This month the Doctor who Magazine ran the official poll to find out which Doctor Who episode was the best and which worst all counting own in order from the latter. Here is the top ten!

10. The Parting Of Ways/Bad Wolf
9. Robots Of Death
8.City Of Death
7.Pyramids Of Mars
6.Human Nature/Family Of Blood
5.Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
4.The Talons Of Weng Chang
3.The Genesis Of The Daleks
2. Blink
1. The Caves of Androzani

And the un mighty 200th is.... 200. The Twin Dilemma. It was so in all categories.


DWM issue 413 is available now from all good newsagents and comic shops. Buy it to find out where your favorite came.

Sunday 20 September 2009

Dalek War - Box set

The Dalek War Box Set is released on DVD this month and it includes two stories from the Third Doctors era - The Frontier In Space and Planet Of The Daleks. This is also a special release mainly because Episode Three of Planet Of The Daleks has been re-colourised and is finally viewable in its full glory just for this release. If that's not enough the 4 disc set also comes packed with special features (as listed below).

The story is also kind of singular between the two set of episodes as Frontier In Space Leads on to Planet Of The Daleks. Ive not seen the first as of yet but that will all change once I head on down to the shops and get my hands on a set. A fine addition to any collection (so I'm told).


This collection features the entire 'Dalek War' storyline from 1973, starring Jon Pertwee as The Doctor. Features the following episodes: 'Frontier In Space' and 'Planet Of The Daleks'.

Special Features:

Frontier in Space (Disc 1 - Episodes)

• Commentary - With actor Katy Manning, producer Barry Letts and script editor Terrance Dicks, moderated by Clayton Hickman.

• Programme Subtitles

• Subtitle Production Notes

Frontier in Space (Disc 2 - Extras)

• Perfect Scenario: Lost Frontier - In the far future, the remaining population of an oxygen-depleted planet Earth lies in enforced stasis in The Field of Dreams, their minds kept active through the work of scenariosmiths. Looking for ideas to help him re-connect to his captive audience, Zed, a young scenariosmith, turns to the world of Doctor Who for inspiration… Featuring interviews with actors Katy Manning, Janet Fielding, Vera Fusek and Michael Hawkins, producer Barry Letts, script editor Terrance Dicks, visual effects designers John Friedlander and Mat Irvine. With Rich Batsford, Mick Broster, Tony Broster, Henry Dunn and Paul Ewing, and the voices of Steve Broster, David Harley and Cathryn Miller.

• The Space War - Cast and crew look back at the making of the story.

• Roger Delgado: The Master - A biography of actor Roger Delgado, most famous for playing the Doctor's arch-nemesis The Master from his introduction in 1971 until his tragic death two years later. Featuring previously unseen photographs, rare excerpts from his many BBC TV appearances and interviews with those who knew and loved him.

• Stripped for Action: The Third Doctor - The ongoing series looking at the Doctor's comic book adventures reaches his third incarnation.

• Photo Galley

• Coming Soon

• PDF Material

Planet of the Daleks (Disc 1)

Since the mid-seventies, episode three of this story has only been available as a 16mm monochrome film recording, but for this DVD release it has been returned to full colour using a brand new process.

• Commentary - With actors Katy Manning, Prentice Hancock and Tim Preece, producer Barry Letts and script editor Terrance Dicks.

• Programme Subtitles

• Subtitle Production Notes

Planet of the Daleks (Disc 2)

• Perfect Scenario: The End of Dreams - Continuing his search for inspiration, scenariosmith Zed resumes his studies of twentieth century television's Doctor Who. What he finds will have a profound effect on the lives of all of the remaining sleepers in The Field of Dreams… Featuring interviews with actors Katy Manning, Jane How, Janet Fielding, Bernard Horsfall and Tim Preece, producer Barry Letts, script editor Terrance Dicks. With Rich Batsford, Mick Broster, Tony Broster and Paul Ewing, and the voices of Steve Broster, David Harley and Cathryn Miller.

• The Rumble in the Jungle - Cast and crew look back at the making of the story.

• Multi-colourisation - A look at the colour restoration of episode three.

• Stripped for Action: The Daleks - The ongoing series looking at the Doctor's comic book adventures focuses on his deadliest foes - the Daleks!

• Blue Peter - Two items from the childrens' magazine programme, featuring an appeal for any information on the theft of two Daleks from the BBC and their subsequent return.

• Photo Galley

• Coming Soon

• PDF Material

With help from

Disclaimer: I do not own anything unless stated otherwise. Doctor Who and its spin off series' (Sarah Jane Adventures and Torchwood etc) belongs to The British Broadcasting Corperation (The BBC).