Monday 21 September 2009

The Mighty 200 - Top Ten

This month the Doctor who Magazine ran the official poll to find out which Doctor Who episode was the best and which worst all counting own in order from the latter. Here is the top ten!

10. The Parting Of Ways/Bad Wolf
9. Robots Of Death
8.City Of Death
7.Pyramids Of Mars
6.Human Nature/Family Of Blood
5.Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
4.The Talons Of Weng Chang
3.The Genesis Of The Daleks
2. Blink
1. The Caves of Androzani

And the un mighty 200th is.... 200. The Twin Dilemma. It was so in all categories.


DWM issue 413 is available now from all good newsagents and comic shops. Buy it to find out where your favorite came.

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything unless stated otherwise. Doctor Who and its spin off series' (Sarah Jane Adventures and Torchwood etc) belongs to The British Broadcasting Corperation (The BBC).